yangf's web



a suitable shopping web

This is a suitable web page for different size of mobile device. Use the methods of @media to achive the goal.

css3 demo

css3 demo

use transition/gradiant

The simple page is just like a gif. Use the css3 teconology to draw the background, at the same time add some animation to move the cloud.

dance show

dance show

simple web page

This is just a simple web page, as a little practice at the beginning of learning my html/css.

school web

school web

simple school page

This is a static web page to show the information of a school.

life web

life web

about life show

This is a web page about your own life. It contains the idea and the picture during a day in order to share with your friends.

lunbo demo

lunbo demo

change picture

This is a little part of the web page which we usually see during the internet surfing.